Apr 10, 2020

Send Any Internet Tab to Your TV. You aren’t limited to just video. As you surf the web on your … Roku Won't Connect to Internet or Wireless Network: Fixed Jun 23, 2020 How to Change Your Wi-Fi Network on Chromecast - Tom's Open the Google Home app. If you don’t have it, it’s easy to acquire through the Google Play Store or … How to Connect to Chromecast? - Microsoft Community Mar 14, 2018

Explore casting with Chromecast. Set up Chromecast in three easy steps and learn how to use Chromecast with both your phone and computer.

General troubleshooting Step 1. Reboot the following devices:. Step 2. Turn Wi-Fi off and on from the mobile device you're using to set up the Chromecast device.. Step 3. If you have a dual band router, try setting up Chromecast on either the 2.4GHz or 5GHz bands.. Step 4. Perform a factory

Jun 28, 2020

To change the WiFi network that your Chromecast is connected to, follow these steps: Open up the Google Home app on your phone or tablet. Tap the "Devices" icon in the upper right hand corner It won't stream Youtube at all, and Flixster for about 5 mins before disconnecting. The chromecast device streamed something else off my mac for a couple of hours & Amazon Video casts fine too. So it looks like the issue is videos off Flixster or Youtube. When you set up ChromeCast, you need certain outgoing ports on the firewall open. (I don't know which ones, but more than you need when you're just "using" the ChromeCast) My original router settings (when the ChromeCast setup was giving me this issue) were: LAN-to-WAN: (outgoing) Allow as per below.