Sources List Generator for official Debian repositories. Debian Sources List Generator. Fork. Mirror Releases. Arch. Include source Contrib Non-Free Security. Source List. Make it so!

sudo apt-get update is not updating repositories in Debian sudo apt-get update is not updating repositories in Debian Wheezy. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 6 months ago. Active 4 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 11k times 2. I am trying to update repositories using following command but it is failing: sudo apt-get update Here is the output of above command: debian - Failed to fetch jessie backports repository Security updates will continue to be provided, on LTS-supported architectures, in the security repository, until June 30, 2020. Since you’re building a container image, I highly recommend basing it on Debian 9 (Stretch) instead. To stay on Debian 8 (Jessie), your repositories should end up looking like PostgreSQL: Linux downloads (Debian) Linux downloads (Debian) PostgreSQL is available in all Debian versions by default. However, the stable versions of Debians "snapshot" a specific version of PostgreSQL that is then supported throughout the lifetime of that Debian version. The PostgreSQL project also maintains an apt repository with all supported of PostgreSQL available.

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MongoDB 4.2 Community Edition supports the following 64-bit Debian releases on x86_64 architecture: Debian 10 “Buster” (Starting in MongoDB Community 4.2.1) Debian 9 “Stretch” MongoDB only supports the 64-bit versions of these platforms. Package Repositories - Proxmox VE Each line defines a package repository. The preferred source must come first. Empty lines are ignored. A # character anywhere on a line marks the remainder of that line as a comment. The available packages from a repository are acquired by running apt-get update.Updates can be …

Jan 31, 2016

Debian wheezy is no longer supported. It is two major releases older than stable. It has not received any updates since 31 May 2018. The resolution is to dist-upgrade to oldstable, or to stable. How To Install The Debian Multimedia Repository On Debian This guide works for Debian Sid, Debian Wheezy, Debian Squeeze and Debian Jessie (testing). How to install the Debian Multimedia Repository on Debian: 1. Add the repository: First, go to this site and locate a good mirror for you. Choose one from your country, or, if not available, from a country near you.