Choose your network wisely. Tempted to connect to that elusive "Free Wi-Fi" hotspot? It's worth …

11 Keys to Keeping Your Home Wi-Fi Network Safe and Secure Change Your Router Password. Each router comes with a default password that allows you to log … Is 5G Safe or Dangerous? - Get the Facts! Bluetooth is a wireless technology designed for sharing voice, data, or other files between devices. In these cases both devices emit Bluetooth WiFi in order to transfer this information. Bluetooth uses the exact same frequency that the microwave oven uses, although at a …

Sep 25, 2019

Bluetooth is a wireless technology designed for sharing voice, data, or other files between devices. In these cases both devices emit Bluetooth WiFi in order to transfer this information. Bluetooth uses the exact same frequency that the microwave oven uses, although at a … The Science Of Why 5G Is (Almost) Certainly Safe For Humans Nov 01, 2019 The Dangers of Using Unsecured Wi-Fi | How Bad is it, Really?

Wi-Fi Dangers Made Worse by Cumulative Effect. Wireless routers - as well as Bluetooth and similar wireless systems - give off electromagnetic radiation in the low-gigahertz frequency. This level is considered potentially dangerous to people. And the danger is compounded by several factors:

It would have been a God Send. Works with either key or by numeric code. Programming it was a snap. We were also able to download and get the wifi app working with ease. For as much as I like this small safe, it isn't for important papers, and it doesn't take the place of a valuables safe. Benefits of Verizon Safe Wi-Fi. As most of us know, using public wifi always comes with a sense of risk if you’re using a normal connection without any protection. Even the most amateur of hackers can come set up shop in a Starbucks, and find ways to access the computers and mobile devices of unsuspecting customers just a few feet away.