Aug 26, 2016 · Setting Up a New Linksys EA9500 Second Router as a Access Point - Duration: 14:12. RDAllen 86,310 views. 14:12. Asus vs Linksys - Router Review and Assessment - Duration: 13:05. Setting up a router with a VPN connection can be convenient if you have a lot of devices you want to protect. It’s also useful if you have devices that do not support VPN directly. Wondering what router is best for you? Here is an article about the router we recommend to use with NordVPN for both best performance and security. Sep 16, 2008 · Learn how to setup your linksys wireless router or any wireless router if you live in Charlotte or anywhere else. If you need a pro call us at 704-248-6227 or visit
Mar 29, 2019 · Are you trying to set up a home network with your brand new Linksys router? You’ll want to make sure that you set it up correctly to prevent unwanted users and protect your personal information. Getting your router up and running only takes a few minutes. See Step1 below to get started.
Resetting your router to its default factory settings will remove any configuration you have set including Wi-Fi username and password, port forwarding settings, firewall settings, Internet Service Provider (ISP) username and password etc. Power on the router. Locate the reset button. It might be on the side, back or the bottom of the router.
Resetting your router to its default factory settings will remove any configuration you have set including Wi-Fi username and password, port forwarding settings, firewall settings, Internet Service Provider (ISP) username and password etc. Power on the router. Locate the reset button. It might be on the side, back or the bottom of the router.