That's what I do aswell. I have this problem too, It says not available. I cant go on PS Home. Just try switching everything off including yo modem then plugging in power to the modem ONLY, then switch on you PS3. Try running a test, or disabling Upnp in the settings. UPnP on PS3 Show as "Not Available" when using Network Feb 24, 2010 UPnP Not Available? - PlayStation 3 Q&A for PlayStation 3 UPnP Not Available? I'm trying to make my connection better on my Ps3 and everything is ok expect it says my UpnP is NOT AVAILABLE. Now I went on to my router website and it shows that my router both SUPPORTS UPnP and it is ENABLED but when I test my connection on my PS3, it says it is NOT AVAILABLE.
1) When I check the network from PS3, it gets the IP address but says UPnP not available. I can access the external network fine from PS3. I cannot see the Myth media from PS3. 2) In my router settings, I tried both UPnP enable and disable, I assume this is for accessing UPnP servers outside the firewall
Xbox Support Xbox Support loading UPnP "not available" on my PS3? | Yahoo Answers
Available: You can use UPnP. Not Available: You cannot use UPnP. Disabled: UPnP has been disabled in the network settings of the PS3™ system. NAT Type * Check how the PS3™ system is connected to the Internet. This information can be used to judge the ease or difficulty of connecting to other PS3™ systems when using voice / video chat or
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