This is called Port Forwarding. Step 1: Login to your router via the default gateway address. Step 2: Enter your router credentials into the login page. Please Note: Your router credentials should be on a sticker on the bottom of your router. If not, you can see the most common credentials below.
BT home hub 5 port forwarding not working - BT Community Re: BT home hub 5 port forwarding not working The playstation NAT system is confusing. NAT Type 2 is the best you are going to get using any router no matter what brand. BT Home Hub 5 Port Forwarding Guide | KSL Technical The BT Home Hub 3 worked with this application without the need for port forwarding, which implies that the BT Hub 5 has stricter firewall settings. This guide describes how to set to port forwarding on the Home Hub 5, using the router's easy-to-use Admin interface. I use the TomTom MyDrive application as an example. Setting up Port Forwarding BT Home Hub 3 Port Forwarding Router Screenshot
That means that whatever app was running on the phone, automatically created the rule, which is why uPnP can get in the way of manual port forwarding. Did you delete the app? If you are going to manually forward ports, then disable uPnP right after a factory reset.
bt smarthub 2 port forwarding - BT Community Hi everyone, Ive been trying for a week to port forward my cctv cameras although im checking the ports are open with an online port checker on a seperated 4g connection as i believe there is no loop through, but im getting message saying all the ports are still closed ? I managed to do this on my
Nov 29, 2018
@flamethrower, many thanks for the reply, unfortunately the solutions to those issues don't seem to help, and I have also tried the Aruba RAP on 3 other routers with the same results.I just need to make sure that I'm doing everything correctly in the set up of the port forwarding to be able to prove that opening this port doesn't work so I can pass it back to my IT support to resolve the issue. Secure steps to do BT Smart Hub port forwarding Using the same port in different port forwarding rules of the BT Smart Hub router port is your home network’s doorway and can be forwarded to only one Computer/IP at a time. Ensure you didn’t type-in the same port in multiple forwarding rules on your BT Smart Hub Router. How To Portforward On A BT Home Hub 5 - Step By Step 2019 Jan 12, 2017 Port Forwarding a Router