Buffalo now provide an official DD-WRT build direct from their own FTP site. Acoring to Buffalo documentation the new DD-WRT firmware is installed by default on the WHR-HP-G300N however mine had the original firmware The DD-WRT firmware is named as the "Pro" firmware and is installed by default. A "User Friendly" firmware is included as optional.

Firmware for WHR-G300N (*) *This firmware can be only applied for the model indicated as [WHR-G300N] in the MODEL field on the label attached on the back of the unit. Do not use it for [WHR-G300N V2] or other products. automatically using a DHCP server (this is the default). The WHR-G300N has a default LAN IP address of* and Subnet Mask of 1. Power down the Cable or DSL modem and the computer which will be used to configure the AirStation router. 2. Plug the Cable or DSL modem’s Ethernet cable into the AirStation’s WAN port. Visit the Buffalo Website and download the latest firmware release to use the WHR-HP-G300N as a repeater with out all of the complicated mess. Then check out my new post for setting up the Buffalo WHR-300HP as a wireless bridge or repeater for a full video walk through on how to configure either the WHR-HP-G300N or the WHR-300HP as a repeater. View and Download Buffalo WHR-G300N V2 user manual online. 802.11b/g/n. WHR-G300N V2 wireless router pdf manual download. These instructions are for WHR-G300N v1 only. Go here for WHR-G300N v2 instructions. Buffalo, unfortunately, encrypts their firmware, and their routers will accept only encrypted firmware in the web interface. Go to the Brainslayer latest build folder and the WHR-G300N subfolder, and download the firmware.tfp file.

Firmware Update for WHR-G300N v1 NOTE: If the model number on the back of your router says WHR-G300N V2, do not download this update - download the WHR-G300N V2 firmware. Documentation File Size

Firmware for WHR-G300N (*) *This firmware can be only applied for the model indicated as [WHR-G300N] in the MODEL field on the label attached on the back of the unit. Do not use it for [WHR-G300N V2] or other products. automatically using a DHCP server (this is the default). The WHR-G300N has a default LAN IP address of* and Subnet Mask of 1. Power down the Cable or DSL modem and the computer which will be used to configure the AirStation router. 2. Plug the Cable or DSL modem’s Ethernet cable into the AirStation’s WAN port.

Firmware for WHR-G300N (*) *This firmware can be only applied for the model indicated as [WHR-G300N] in the MODEL field on the label attached on the back of the unit. Do not use it for [WHR-G300N V2] or other products.

Bei dem Buffalo WHR-HP-G300N können die Werkseinstellungen über die installierte Software wiederhergestellt werden. Melden Sie sich dazu mit Ihren Login-Daten bei der Benutzeroberfläche des Routers an und führen Sie die Schritte durch, die im Benutzerhandbuch beschrieben sind. バッファロー AirStation NFINITI WHR-G300Nを、価格.comに集まるこだわり派ユーザーが、デザイン・設定の簡単さ・受信感度など気になる項目別に徹底評価!