Nov 27, 2018

Bring up the DD-WRT setup page. Look at the upper right corner at the numbers next to WAN IP:.These should not be, if they are then you will need to go back to the normal repeater tutorial and assure that you are connected to the host AP. Apr 15, 2007 · If you have two wireless routers with the DD-WRT firmware installed it’s simple setting up a WDS. I chose to set up a LAN-type WDS, although the options also allow you to set up a point-to-point WDS. A LAN type WDS is the easiest and most common as it requires no extra routing protocols or knowledge of networking, it is simply network bridging. I've seen some docs on the Linksys site, and some tutorials elsewhere, but I'm running into some issues setting up this router as a repeater. I've never had to setup a repeater before so I may just need a more thorough walkthrough. Here's my situation: Our ISP provides a modem/router which we are using primarily. I don't have the G1100, but I was able to set up a 54G (flashed with DD-WRT) as a bridge/repeater with the prior model Actiontec 424. Off hand I can't think of any settings on the primary router I changed to work with a repeater. Take a look at the Wiki for DD-WRT. You must follow all the steps very precisely to get it to work as a bridge/repeater. DD-WRT Tutorial - Broadcom Repeater

Dec 24, 2015

Sep 21, 2010

Tutorial on DD-WRT - Part 5: Wireless repeater May 26, 2019