2018-7-23 · Not surprisingly, Singapore was found to be the country with the fastest internet connections in the world, according to the 2018 World Broadband Speed League, while Yemen had the slowest. At 60.39 megabits per second, Singapore’s internet speed is five times higher than the global average of 9.1Mbps. The 3 Scandinavian countries — Sweden (46Mbps), […]

Sep 22, 2016 · Tuan is the Editor-in-Chief of Maximum PC, and loves all things tech. He's been building PCs and ruffling feathers in the industry for 20 years, and isn't afraid to call out bad products and services. Nov 30, 2015 · This Country Has the Best Internet in the World This Country Has the Best Internet in the World. Jeong Se Hyun, a professional video-game player, uses a computer keyboard as he competes against Apr 01, 2019 · With a population of 9.7 million and over 7 million internet users, Hungary has the 9th fastest internet speed in the world at 34.01 Mbps. Per the Superfast Internet Program for Hungarian households, the country is aiming to boost household connections to 100 Mbps, then eventually to 1 Gbps. Unlike the speed of crossing national borders in China, the country ranks 123rd on the Internet speed rankings. Hong Kong people have good governance regarding infrastructure and connectivity to support their ultra-fast Internet, allowing you to download an HD movie in 4 minutes. Jul 06, 2020 · The Geography of Fast Internet. As you can see, Internet infrastructure isn’t created equal. While some top cities on the east and west coasts are more or less what you would expect, look in the heartland, and you’ll see some surprises. Nov 22, 2017 · There is a massive disparity in monthly broadband prices around the world according to a new study. The research from UK-based cable.co.uk found that someone living in Iran will pay an average of

The map shows the share of the population that is accessing the internet for all countries of the world. Internet users are individuals who have used the Internet (from any location) in the last 3 months. The Internet can be used via a computer, mobile phone, personal digital assistant, games machine, digital TV etc.

Sep 01, 2017 · Tunisians have fairly fast internet speeds in the African context. Photo: Thinkstock 5) Tunisia. The first North African country on this list, Tunisia is home to an average broadband speed of 3.5Mbps. This means that Tunisians can count on being fifth among African nations with the fastest broadband speeds, and 88th internationally.

The global average speed of internet is 11.6Mbps. Singapore gets number 1 rank as the fastest internet, while Yemen being the slowest internet service country. A 5GB movie download time ranging between 11 minutes to 36 hours, depending on your internet speed. Download speed of countries with the fastest internet has 88% times faster.

The world's fastest (and slowest) internet speeds — Quartz The internet is getting faster. Ookla, an internet analytics company, released its state of the internet report this week showing mobile and broadband internet are accelerating around the world Rank Internet Speeds Around the World with Speedtest We're pleased to announce Speedtest Global Index, a monthly ranking of global mobile and fixed broadband speeds.At Ookla, our mission is to make the internet faster by providing data and insights on real-world internet speeds. As part of that mission, we’re making Speedtest data available to you in a new, interactive format. The REAL connection speeds for Internet users across the 2010-11-12 · How fast are Internet connections across the world? How fast are they in your country? This article examines the real-world connection speeds for people in the top 50 countries on the Internet, i.e. the countries with the most Internet users.. This list of countries ranges from China at number 1 with 420 million Internet users, and Denmark at number 50 with 4.75 million Internet users.