Zero Days, film review: Stuxnet, secrecy and the new era

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) may be hiding highly-sophisticated hacking payloads in the firmware of consumer hard drives over the last 15 to 20 years in a campaign, giving the agency the means to eavesdrop on thousands of targets' computers, according to an analysis by Kaspersky labs and subsequent reports. Former NSA contractor and infamous whistle blower Edward Snowden previously told German magazine Der Spiegel the US, along with Israel, created Stuxnet to destroy nuclear centrifuges in Iran. Nov 29, 2013 · Yes, given the distributed computing it may be possible make use of Stuxnet-NSA style attacks. But, I would have guessed that the major AV vendors would have fingerprinted all Stuxnet types by now (but who knows). @ Jiadran. Yes, different teams with different methods of attack could have re-complied the virus and introduced it in a different "The NSA and Israel wrote Stuxnet together," Snowden said when asked if the NSA had any involvement in the Stuxnet program. Last year an even more complex computer virus called Flame was discovered and while initially it was not linked to Stuxnet, further investigation by Kaspersky Labs identified a module within both which indicated that the The NSA has a massive body responsible for this: FAD, the Foreign Affairs Directorate," Snowden said in the interview. When asked if the NSA helped create Stuxnet, he added: "[The] NSA and Israel Jul 15, 2016 · A new documentary tells the story of Stuxnet, a computer virus developed, it is claimed, by Israel and the U.S. to disrupt the Iranian nuclear project. In an interview, filmmaker Alex Gibney talks about Israel’s responsibility for the revelation of the operation and its eventual spread around the world. Unlike Stuxnet, to which it seems to be related, it was designed to gather information rather than to interfere with industrial operations. 2012.

Stuxnet virus origin confirmed: USA and Isreali

Alex Gibney on Stuxnet and why we need to talk about Jul 11, 2016 Stuxnet the movie: The U.S. has pwned Iran | Network World The multi-million dollar program was run from within the NSA during the same time Stuxnet was active, and was put in place should the U.S. be drawn into a war there because Israel launched an

Nov 29, 2013 · Yes, given the distributed computing it may be possible make use of Stuxnet-NSA style attacks. But, I would have guessed that the major AV vendors would have fingerprinted all Stuxnet types by now (but who knows). @ Jiadran. Yes, different teams with different methods of attack could have re-complied the virus and introduced it in a different

Richard Clarke on Who Was Behind the Stuxnet Attack America’s longtime counterterrorism czar warns that the cyberwars have already begun—and that we might be losing. NSA or the White House Kaspersky does not name the NSA in its report. Instead, it refers to those in charge of the spyware program as "the Equation group," noting that the same group was closely linked to Stuxnet. Zero Days documentary about stuxnet malware features a "identity protected" NSA employee who reveals information about classified NSA tactics. She claims "I would NEVER compromise ongoing operations in the field." Well it's too bad that Amazon Prime Video and IMDB don't share your values. Apr 21, 2017 · NSA and the Stuxnet worm. The Stuxnet worm has been suspected to be the work of the U.S. and Israeli governments, the history of which was laid out recently in the documentary "Zero Days