If client certificate is self-signed, root (or intermediate) CA certificate (s) must be uploaded to API Management for context.Request.Certificate.Verify () and context.Request.Certificate.VerifyNoRevocation () to work. Checking a thumbprint against certificates uploaded to API Management

Self-signed certificate - Wikipedia When the certificate is presented for an entity to validate, they first verify the hash of the certificate matches the reference hash in the white-list, and if they match (indicating the self-signed certificate is the same as the one that was formally trusted) then the certificate's validity dates can be trusted. Troubleshooting Self-signed SSL Certificate Issues and Check the Postman Console to ensure that the correct SSL certificate is being sent to the server. Client certificate issues: The server might require client certificates. You can resolve this by adding a client certificate under Postman Settings. How can I verify SSL certificates on the command line

Create a new Exchange Server self-signed certificate

Creating a self-signed SSL certificate, and then verifying it on another Linux machine - gist:d7457a46a03d7408da31. add the certificate for your site to the SSL config or whatever and the machine you added the root certificate to will verify correctly. # BUT I WANTED TO PAY $1500 FOR VERISIGN TO DO THE SAME FUCKING THING! Cool, send it here linux - Wget, self signed cert and --no-check-certificate Openssl “Self-signed certificate in certificate chain” when server sends whole certificate chain with the self-signed certificate to the client Hot Network Questions What is the "Biden rule" mentioned during the nomination of Merrick Garland to the US Supreme Court? verify existence & delete self signed certificate

Generating a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL

2 Using the fingerprint is probably the easiest way to verify a self-signed certificate which is in your own control. When using SSL_fingerprintit will not care about any other kind of validations, i.e. not check the name, revocation, expiration etc anymore - so if you want … tls - How to know if certificate is self-signed There are plenty of options where different certificates with different start/end date or other metadata to have same subject and issuer. I'm using following method to check certificate is self-signed: openssl verify -CAfile /cert/to/check.pem -CApath /cert/to/check.pem /cert/to/check.pem. How to fix Self Signed Certificate Warnings?